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General Assembly 2016
AGM 2016: The research teams are making great steps forward
Assemblee.jpgWe were nearly 70 gathered together to share the midday meal. The morning had been devoted to the official business of the AGM. After presenting the annual report on the statePresident.jpg of the association, the President reported on the different activities that had taken place during the course of the year, stressing the importance of each one in the development of the association. He reminded everyone that at the next AGM, the entire committee would be up for re-election (the period of office is 3 years) and that the President would not be standing again.
Annie_Kurtz.jpgAnnie Kurtz spoke about the new law dealing with the obligation to inform one’s family when there is a genetic diagnosis of CADASIL, and the possible consequences legally, psychologically and within the family. We will discuss this question in a future newsletter.

He then presented the new candidates for the committee. There were three for two possible positions replacing Claudette and Pierre who had resigned due to health problems. François Surjous, Catherine’s husband, a chartered accountant; Elisabeth Lisack, a psychiatrist, and David Doublet, a business manager. The committee wished that these three people who were all prepared to help run the association, should take up a position. We therefore proposed that François and Elisabeth be elected, and that David be made an associate member.
Catherine_Surjous.jpgCatherine Surjous then presented the association’s Lecture_du_resultat_des_votes.jpgfinancialreport, and the provisional budget for the current year. The decision was taken to give 15000 € to research (of which 10000 € to be handed over at the AGM).
Repas.jpgAt the end of the AGM, all those attending were invited toRepas-2.jpg share the meal. This is an important time. As well as the general conviviality, for the new members it is a way of exchanging information, finding things out, and asking questions, and for the old members a chance to meet up with friends and to share their news.
Anne_Joutel.jpgThe afternoon’s medical conference was followed closely by everyone. We were all waiting with a degree of impatience for Dr Anne Joutel’s presentation of the results of her Les_participants_ecoutant_Anne_Joutel.jpgresearch. We are very happy to learn that the research has crossed a threshold which should allow a real therapeutic treatment to be put in place. There is still a long way to go. The work of Professor Chabriat’s team will allow in particular, future therapeutic trials to be prepared efficiently. We are very pleased to learn that the two teams are working each in their own field, but in close collaboration.
Mme_Bousser_Hugues_Chabriat_et_JL_Airiau.jpgFinally, before leaving, Professor Chabriat and Dr Joutel answered the audience’s questions.

The minutes of the AGM and the report from the medical conference will be published on the website and in the June newsletter.


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